My boss (Bec) asked if I could come down to Taronga Zoo for a repro procedure on a bongo because it would a good training experience for me. Since Ben has never seen the zoo or met Bec, I asked if there was a chance he could come along. I hadn’t really thought through the implications of this request, but essentially what I did was invite Ben to come watch his beloved wife help electro-ejaculate a bongo (yes, that is pretty much what it sounds like). Talk about an awkward situation for a husband!
So the stimulant didn’t do a very good job of getting the target organ going, but it did get the bongo’s legs going at one point. Unfortunately, I was the person manning “his station,” which meant I was right in there between his front and back legs – not a good place to be when they start swingin’. I managed to do this roll between his 2 back legs (don’t ask for details – it all happened too fast – I remember I ducked my head under his top thigh and rolled out). Not sure what hit what, but my only injuries were a bruised, swollen knee and a bruise on my thigh. Could lead to some interesting answers when people ask what happened to my knee!
And I think that’s enough said about that.