Yay – someone else is coming to visit!! That will bring us up to 4 visitors in 3 years! (Unfortunately that includes Stan the Man – a paper doll.)

My cousin Ingrid is coming over in June for 4 weeks, and we’re really looking forward to it. Theoretically she’s coming over to get some science experience, and Ben and I have outlined a project for her to work on… but my mind keeps turning to all the fun things we could do with her, instead!
Our families have had some great adventures together – a long-standing Thanksgiving tradition, summers in grandma & grandpa’s pool, family reunions in Hawaii, lots of hikes. When Jen and I were in high school, we visited them in North Carolina over spring break and took a road trip out to Cape Hatteras.

My most vivid memory from that trip was on the drive home – Ingrid’s stomach was having a rough time, and after the second or third time that we stopped, her loving brother Carl said “Why don’t we just hang her out the window – then she can ralph all she wants.” Don’t worry, Ingrid, I promise we won’t hang you out any windows.
And when Ben and I were working in Alaska, they came up to visit us in Kantishna. And even though they were attacked by giant mosquitoes while trying to make a cast of a bear print, they still seemed to have a good time.

So we’re looking forward to more good times with Ingrid, and excited about showing-off Oz to another visitor!