18 September 2008


We've become addicted to crumpets - they are so good! And they're always on sale, too, which is nice. They're kinda spongy and moist, and great with just a little bit of butter. That and a little yogurt was our main breakfast, until we recently branched out and added cereal (...I know, we're so exotic!).


  1. Yum!!! I'll be there in the morning! Okay maybe just in spirit! Are they sweet?

  2. They're not too sweet, but with some jam they're perfect. They have these other things called Pickelets, which are like mini pancakes, and they're really good, and much sweeter than crumpets. They sell them pre-packaged at the store, but we got some homemade ones at a neighborhood fund raiser, and they were delicious!


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