09 July 2009

Back together again!!!

6 more hours until we're all done with this stupid long-distance thing! Just thought you'd like to know.


  1. Wait - why? Are YOU done with your zoo job or is he done?

  2. So it looks like "Absence makes the heart grow fonder" won out over "Out of sight, out of mind." We're happy for you!

  3. Krista - you said it!!

    Carolyn - I'm done with my job at the zoo. I think we both wish it was the other way around - that Ben was done with his PhD and we could both hang out in sunny Dubbo for a bit. I think Ani would like that, too - way more kangaroos to chase out there.

    Dad - was there really any doubt? If we were "out of sight, out of mind" our relationship would have been in trouble long ago.

  4. So, what is next for you? Only a few more weeks till you come to US!!! We can't wait to see you guys. What is Ani going to do while you are gone?

  5. wait a sec. are you coming to the US? i just found your blog again! where are you going to be????? :) jeanie


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