Ani's caretaker, Susanna, is really great - she knew exactly who Ani was when Ben showed up. She said that Ani was doing fine and is a "sweetie." She noted that at first Ani did not seem as perky as we indicated... until today. She said that this morning was the first time Ani gave her the full-body wiggle and was more energetic. She is getting the routine down and has gained a little weight (no, not our little food-a-holic!), so they will start regulating her diet some.
Anyways, it took a second for Ani to realize who Ben was, but then she went into a full-body wiggle and cute!!! Susanna locked Ben in the cage and they played with her toy and went through her tricks. She got "kitanda" (her command for bed) right away...went straight for her cot. Smarty pants! They spent an hour together (the whole trip took ~5 hours for Ben!).
But here is the sucky part. When Ben got up and called Susanna to let him out, he looked down and Ani was shaking. She was so afraid that he was leaving her...totally knew it. It was hard for Ben to sneak out - Ani was not happy about it. Susanna thinks that the dogs that get visited definitely do better. She thinks that Ani will be completely fine.
One visit down, several more to go. She does have almost 6 days done. I know that she will be out before we know it.
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