But in our house, it's Christmas because our new tent just arrived! Our old, reliable, $70 Kelty tent that Kerry bought 10 years ago served us well - was part of many camping trips, went to Kenya and back, functioned as our house for a while. But it's days had come to an end, and we were in desperate need of a new one.
old tent:
Thus started our quest for a new tent. But good back-packing tents are hard to get, here. For as outdoor-sy as I pictured Australians, their idea of "camping" is loading up everything but the kitchen sink, driving to some big campground that charges you a bunch to stay there, and setting up a gigantic 15-person tent and a grill and hanging out by the car for a few days. And their idea of "back-packing" is hopping from hostel to hostel. You can find back-packing tents at specialty stores, but they're really expensive. So we turned to good ol' Sierra Trading Post, and we got a great deal on a great tent!
new tent:
And we got new sandals and shorts and a hat, too. So Merry Christmas to us! So guess what we're doing this weekend?!? Camping!!!
Merry Christmas to you! I'm already trying to figure out how I can change my mind-set to think sandals and sun hats from Mik instead of flannel pj's and sweaters! Hope you have a great time - xoxoxoxo