23 December 2009

A day in the life: Fly boy (and girl)

So if you’ve ever lain awake at night wondering how the food you eat might affect how soon you die, then Ben is your man. Well, if you’re a fly. He’s in the middle of a big experiment right now with hundreds of flies that each get one of 18 different diets (high protein, high sugar, high calorie, low calorie, etc.).

And since I am currently unemployed and un-thesis-ed, he’s recruited me to be his assistant. So the two of us have spent the majority of the last several weeks together in a small, hot, humid room feeding flies and counting eggs. And we still like each other!!

AND, enough of the flies have died that Ben said I might get a day off soon! So I blame the lack of blogging lately on my slave master. And the unfortunate fact that our camera met an untimely end, so I can’t employ my normal blog approach of throwing up a few pictures and then adding a few lines of text.

1 comment:

  1. So how did you take these pictures? (Your camera came today! Or is it mine, like the other?)


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