11 January 2010

Lingo Lessons: drop the "r"

So to talk like an Aussie, the two biggest things are 1) shorten all your words and add "-ie" (as mentioned before), and 2) don't pronounce the letter "r", especially at the end of words, but sometimes at the beginning, too. So keep that in mind for the following conversation:

"Your dog is really cute - what's her name?"
"Oh, as in Arnold Schwarzenegger?"


But following Rule #1, Arnold becomes Arnie, and following Rule #2 it becomes Anie. I'm still not sure why they thought we'd switch to an Aussie accent just to pronounce our dog's name and then resume our Yank accent for the entire rest of the conversation (which was a few hours), but that's OK.

So in case you were wondering, our dog is not named after Arnold Schwarzenegger. She's named after a bird called the Ani (either the smooth-billed or the groove-billed - you can choose).

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm, I would have guessed Ani DiFranco. :) The name association thing is really odd -- I had that alot in Missouri. I can't count how many times I was asked if I was related to Gary Larson (the Far Side cartoonist). Seriously? As if Larson is a really unique name??


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