So I got inspired, despite the lack of spare time on my hands. I found a recipe for stuffed pumpkin gnocchi, and figured while I was at it, I should make pumpkin scones, too. And somehow, I decided that I needed 2 whole pumpkins to get 500 g of pumpkin. With all the leftovers, it looks like now we’ll be making pumpkin soup, too. But everything turned out pretty well!
And not only did this culinary adventure produce some tasty food - it also provided Ben with some valuable insights about my kitchen skills: 1) I'm no good at estimating quantities, 2) the time estimates that they provide on recipes are a gross underestimate for me, and 3) apparently I cuss a lot when I cook (probably due to our extreme lack of counter-space).
Well - I know who you got your mis-estimating quantities from (mom); and you can probably blame me for the time thing; I guess you just picked up cussing on your own! (Or was it your sister? or Ani?)