Another thing to add to the list of what I love about Dubbo: the Dubbo PhotoNews. It's this great, happy, feel-good FREE paper that comes out every week. It's mostly just filled with pictures of locals: at So-n-so's 40th birthday party, at the park, in front of iconic international monuments (e.g., the Eiffel Tower) wearing their "I (heart) Dubbo" T-shirts. They have sections for "Hitches" and "Hatches." They feature several interviews with locals, so you can learn that 4-yr old Bailey wants to see the beach when he grows up, or that Sophie, the "Page 3 Girl" thinks that different languages are the weirdest thing in the world.

And speaking of foreign languages, here's a bit of Australian for you. This is what it says on the front of the Australia Day issue:
It's the celebration of a nation, when we rock up to a rellie's or a mate's place in the arvo, throw some snags on the barbie, take the ankle biters for a dip, act the galah for a bit, but above everything, get proud of living Down Under. In this issue, you'll meet some fair dinkum Aussies along with beaut ideas of what's going off this weekend."
If you need help translating, let me know.
Are you sure they speak English? I agree with the Page 3 Girl - this is one of the wierdest things in the world!!