If I learn nothing else from this job, it will at least teach me to iron. Now this is not to say that I didn't know how to iron beforehand - I was raised by a good mother who taught me all the important basic life skills (e.g., how to iron, how to separate an egg, how to take care of my eyeballs... and elbows). But I never do it. I don't know if I have ever actually ironed since Mom made me practice on Dad's shirts. We got a wonderful ironing board from Grandma for our wedding shower, but while we galavanted around the country doing fieldwork for 3 years, it apparently grew legs and walked out of storage. And while we puzzled about where it could have gone, we never actually missed it (sorry grandma). Even when Ben got his fancy corporate job at Abbott, we still managed to avoid ironing.
But now, every week when I do laundry, I iron my uniform. Maybe there's hope for my domestic skills, after all.