One of the first things Tamara told me was to go get this stuff called Slime and put it in my tyres. I kept thinking “OK – someday I’ll leave work early and get to the bike store before it closes since nothing stays open late, here,” but I never made it. And for a month, I was just fine. Then I got a spine. I pulled it out right away and thought it would be fine since I have big, fat hybrid tyres and not little 10-speed tyres. But the next morning – sure enough – flat tyre. So I pulled out my bike-repair kit and changed the inner tube and still got to work on time… and Tamara decided to buy some Slime for me. Then on the way home, I got another spine! Before I even had a chance to use the Slime! So after walking the rest of the way home with a flat, the first thing I did after dinner was Slime my tyres.
This is the coolest stuff – you squeeze ½ a bottle into each tyre, spin it around, and it acts as a clotting agent. So I didn’t even have to patch the 2 inner tubes that had been punctured – this stuff just plugged them right up! And since then, I’ve gotten at least a half-dozen more spines, and when you pull the spine out, a little green dot appears and plugs up the hole – it’s the best!
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