And indeed that's exactly what happened. Last weekend I headed back to Sydney - partly for a friend's wedding and partly for a dentist appointment (but we won't talk about that).
So I flew out of Dubbo Thursday night - left work 45 min before the flight, biked to a friend's house, changed clothes, she drove me to the airport... and I still got there in plenty of time. Gotta love small airports. There was no wait at the check-in counter, and they didn't even have a security station. And the train ride from the Sydney airport to Epping took about as long as the flight (1 hr).
Friday we hung out at the beach. It was a perfect day for it - Ben and I even played in the water a bit (though it was still a little cold).
Meanwhile, Ani the Water-baby (for anyone who hasn't witnessed her hatred of swimming, I am being totally sarcastic) went and sat on the beach towels. Maybe she was playing life-guard? Maybe she was working on her tan? Whatever she was doing, she clearly wasn't interested in the water. Later she went and laid right where most people were walking along the beach and just watched the people and dogs as they went by.
Then the craziest thing happened late in the afternoon - all of these man-of-wars started washing up on the beach. One second there weren't any, then the next second there was a whole string of them. They looked really cool, and their sting was pretty mild (yes, we do know from experience).
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