So this week - stupid show tricks. In the US, you have David Letterman, who likes to drop things off the top of buildings: a 300lb safe, 5000 tennis balls, large pumpkins, old cans of paint. He ropes off a city block in NY and then gets one of his staffers to push things off the roof.
In Australia, you have Hamish and Andy, who decided to drop a car. From a plane. At 14,000 feet. Better yet, this is a REAL person's only mode of transportation (other than her bike). There was a contest for Aussies to enter their car in this once-in-a-cartime experience, and some poor student won. AND, there was a separate contest to select someone to push the car out of the plane, and the person who won was actually a double-amputee who didn't know what he was entering. If the car hit a 1km target from a moving plane at 14,000 feet (supposedly ~30% chance of happening under perfect conditions), then the girl won a new car and the guy won $100,000. So Hamish and Andy set out to select some massive expanse of deserted land where nothing would be hurt if the car missed it's target. Luckily this is not very hard to do in Australia. Then they loaded the car into a plane that was only slightly bigger than the car - a plane which had been dubbed the fridge with wings - and shoved the car out, and it HIT THE TARGET!! (Sorry - maybe I should have given a spoiler alert.)

AU wins this round hands down, and we STRONGLY recommend you check out the Hamish and Andy podcast for Friday 17 April - it's hilarious! You can also check out their website by clicking the title of this blog entry.
NOTE: You are welcome to inform us of any US show tricks that we may have missed, but no matter what you say, AU still wins. How can you top that!?!
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