Easter is a big holiday here. And Australia is not a very religious country, so it seems to be more about chocolate eggs & hot cross buns than Jesus. Everything chocolate must be in the shape of an egg – and they can get quite gigantic and expensive. Easter things start appearing in the shops right after Christmas. Craving a chocolate egg the size of a small child for New Years?? Just can’t wait ‘til Easter?? No worries! The whole week before Easter, the vets and I played Easter bunny. Every morning, there was a new batch of chocolate eggs hidden all over. And while there aren’t quite as many hot cross buns as there are chocolate eggs, you can get those just about everywhere you look, too. And I must admit, freshly baked hot cross buns from the bakery down the street are quite nice.
The other thing about Easter is that it’s a 4-day weekend, here: Good Friday and Easter Monday are official holidays. And I swear more stores are closed on Good Friday than on Christmas Day. After a bit of searching, Ben and I finally managed to find 1 grocery store in Dubbo that was open – which was a very good thing, since we had 5 hungry mouths to feed and not much in the way of food. And on Saturday, we had a great pre-Easter dinner... of Indian food. Can't have Easter without camel races or Indian food!
HAPPY EASTER, EVERYONE - We miss you all lots!!
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