30 September 2009

AU vs. US (the environment series): Green bags

Australia seems to have a bit of a split personality in regards to the environment. With some things they are pretty progressive, while with others they are a bit behind the times. And sometimes they are WAY behind the times, but we’ll save that for another day.

So “Eco-friendly AU” has made it a mission to eliminate plastic shopping bags. Instead there are reusable cloth “green bags” (which are sometimes green, but can also be red or blue or pink…). They even have insulated green bags to keep things cool. Everyone has them, and most people are pretty good about using them. Grocery stores almost expect you to have green bags (instead of in the US where you feel like a nuisance if you bring your own bags). Target Australia has even joined the cause, and is no longer providing free plastic check-out bags. If you want a bag you need to buy a compostable bag or a reusable cloth bag. South Australia has outlawed free plastic shopping bags altogether.

Although this idea is certainly around in the US, Australia seems to have actually acted on it a lot more. So, in the effort to reduce the emissions and harmful waste associated with plastic bags, AU wins.

1 comment:

  1. Hm. Your blog seems to dislike my comments since the one from the other day never showed up :[

    All I said, was it is very similar here. Some shops don't provide bags or you have to buy them. Makes it a lot more fun to walk the mile from the store with your environmental bags :]

    Just goes to show the US is a little behind. ;]


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