We woke up this morning to an eerie orange glow in the bedroom. Looked out the window, and this crazy orange haze was everywhere. My first reaction was "So this is what you get when you mix sunrise, wind, and fire." (They've been doing some preventative burning in the nearby NP, which has made things fairly hazy at times.) But the thing was, the air smelled like dirt, not smoke. Turned out - it was dirt. The largest dust storm Sydney has ever seen, to be specific.
The orange glow kept getting more intense and surreal as the sun got higher in the sky, and coupled with the intense gusts of wind, the morning had a very creepy feel. Well, "creepy" is how I'd describe it, but some other people prefer "apocolyptic" - literally. Whatever you like - I'm stickin' with "creepy" until proven otherwise. When the sun was able to peek through a bit, things had a bit of a metallic glow to to them - especially car windows. Very funky.
The best color was fairly early, and I was too lazy to get dressed and go outside to take good pics. I blame it on lingering jet-lag and the fact that we were out late last night. So excuse the window screen in all the pics, but you can see some really good pics here.
PS - now we have orange boogers.
Bizarro!! Are you also getting pelted with the dust or is it mostly higher up? Maybe you need a mask so you don't get orange boogers (or you need to eat beets so your pee matches your boogers!)
ReplyDeleteWe just watched Chicken Little so I'm feeling quite comfortable with Kindergarten biology...
Your storm seems to have made it around the world. I was driving home from Clinton today, and as I passed a field of pumpkins, I noticed that they were all - - - orange! (Cue scary music.)