14 September 2008

Inappropriate smile of the week

John McCain made Australian news for having the “Inappropriate smile of the week” – a rather gleeful looking smile following the quote “And on the subject of Osama bin Laden, we will track him down and bring him to justice. I will follow him to the gates of hell - *grin*."

(OK, so it wasn’t exactly “news” – it was this show called Rove, which is kind of along the lines of The Daily Show.)

Sarah Palin and Barack Obama get their fair share of Australian press coverage, too. What did you ask? Joe Biden, who's that?!? (...although I hear that's kind of how it is in the States, too.)

1 comment:

  1. Do you get questions such as, whom will you vote for, How do you think about the two candidates, bla bla, when people know you are from America?


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