11 September 2008


No, this entry isn't about the popular Aussie soap opera - we haven't managed to catch much more than the ads, so can't tell you about that, yet. This is about our real neighbours. I mentioned before that we'd try to get some pics of the cute kids, so here they are. They're working on bonding with Ani. Apparently the people who lived in the house before us had some mean dogs, so the kids are a little scared of dogs. Once Ani gets past her usual over-enthusiastic greeting, she's pretty good, and the kids seem to be getting comfortable with her.


  1. They are incredibly cute!!! Is it 4 of them, and are they close to age?

  2. Yep - it's 4 kids and their mom, Ann. Eliza is 7, John is 5, Billy is 4, and Joe is 2. Ben and I can't tell John and Billy apart for the life of us, yet, which is why I didn't give names for the picture!


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